RE3 Workshop 2017
Open Calls
We are pleased to be able to sponsor stipends for student travel awards. The purpose of the travel award program is to help undergraduate and graduate students travel to attend the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE3) workshop. This sponsorship will include mandatory participation in the form of a poster or a talk as part of the workshop. The poster session will be held on Monday, May 22, 2017 at the Muhammed Ali Center in Louisville.
We anticipate making student travel awards in the amount of $200 to support travel to attend the RE3 Energy-Water-Food Nexus Workshop in Louisville, KY May 21-24.
Applicants must be enrolled full time and be in good standing in a graduate or undergraduate program in a STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) field at a regionally accredited university or college located in the United States or Canada.
A research paper or poster must already have been accepted for presentation at the workshop. Multiple author submissions are acceptable, but the student applicant must be the designated presenter of the research. If there are multiple student authors, only the first author may apply for these funds. If the student applicant has been accepted to present more than one paper or poster, she or he must choose only one paper/poster presentation to use when applying for this award.
Each individual student may receive a maximum of $200 plus a $50 fee waiver for workshop registration. A maximum of $1000 dollars will be available to support students from any given college or institute.
How to Apply
1. The RE3 organizing subcommittee will examine all applications for eligibility.
2. Applicants must use the Hyperlink to Application PDF on RE3 website (PDF, 675KB). The only means of application is by email. Submit to RE3workshop@gmail.com. The application form must be typed or neatly printed, and submitted with the following materials:
a. Award application form with signature of Research advisor or Department Chair, whichever is most applicable.
b. Copy of poster or paper abstract submission (in addition to submission via email by the applicable due date) Please Note: submission of the travel award does not constitute submission for poster/paper presentation.;
c. 1-pg. cover letter describing research interests, experience, and career plans;
d. 1-pg. summary of research to be presented including benefits or conclusions of work;
e. 2-pg. (max) resume or abbreviated Curriculum Vitae;
3. Applicants must submit a single PDF of the above materials in the order shown by email. Please do not submit separate PDFs for each document.
4. Decisions will be based on the quality of the submitted information.
5. Award recipients will be announced in early May. Student support will fall into one of two categories:
a. Support for printing of the student’s research poster to participate in the workshop poster session (maximum of $100/student) and
b. Subsidies for the workshop hotel at a rate of up to a maximum of $100/night payable directly to the Galt House Hotel.
Note: All presentations and/or posters for students receiving travel awards must acknowledge National Science Foundation funding under award 1637920 as part of the presentation/poster.
6. By the end of June following the workshop, each award recipient must submit a copy of the final presentation including the acknowledgement as noted in 5 to RE3workshop@gmail.com.